Juice Cleanse Top Tips
If you're choosing a juice cleanse, there's one important (often misunderstood) thing to keep in mind: It's not a shortcut to weight loss. But if your goal is to boost your immune system, help improve gut health, or recirculate valuable vitamins and nutrients in your body after a few too many happy hours, there's a juice cleanse out there that can certainly help in those areas. Our liver and kidneys are already effective at eliminating toxins, however, having a day or two without any junk food or alcohol can only be a good thing.
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Breaking Habits
Some may find it a breeze, others may find it a challenge. Your body will no doubt react to the cleanse in a positive way but some may experience some light side affects like headaches, sweating or even the feeling of being cold. Some may see a positive weight loss but this is about more than short term weight loss; it’s about breaking habits, giving your body a rest and finding the healthiest version of you.
Pre Cleanse
We recommend preparing for the days pre- and post-cleanse. A last supper mentality is only going to make the first day that much harder, so scale back on the caffeine and have a light dinner the day before.
While juicing, we’d recommend taking it easy on the exercise front - cleansing can be a time to repair and rest. However there’s often no need to skip exercise altogether (you might actually find you have more energy as your body isn’t busy digesting your food), but you probably won’t be able to bench-press your personal best either. Instead give your body a bit of TLC – energising walks, light yoga, body brushing, gentle swim, sauna, face masks, fresh air, and meditation are all great cleanse activities. Be kind to yourself, think positive and enjoy your juice in a peaceful surroundings.
Listen to your body
Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to cleanse. If you feel you need to supplement your chosen cleanse with light meals, go for it. Do what feels right for your body and enjoy.
>> Read our 2023 latest blog.... Preparing for your juice cleanse
Post Cleanse
Reintroduce food and ease back into life. There’s also little point in sticking to the juice only to binge on huge portions of fatty food washed down with glasses of wine the very next day. Instead, ease yourself back onto solid foods and be mindful of how they make you feel.
>> Read our 2023 blog..... Post Cleanse tips
We suggest fresh fruit, vegetables and soups on day 1, followed by delicious salads and steamed vegetables for day 2.
Top Tips
- Refrigerate juices at all times!
- Shake your juices before drinking.
- While fasting, drink your juices at regular intervals throughout the day.
- Light exercise, take walks and rest.
- Stay hydrated! Drink at least 2L of water during the cleanse
- Relax and enjoy the break.