TED Countdown Summit

TED Countdown Summit

We were beyond excited to offer a range of our Cold Pressed Juices and Smoothies to those involved in last week’s TED Countdown Summit.

Cold Pressed Juices @ Ted Summit

The Garden’s philosophy focuses largely on sustainability; healthy body, healthy mind, healthy earth, therefore collaborating with this conference and working alongside those with such similar values and dreams for the future felt pretty special.

As a business, we are committed to sustainable practice, and are constantly improving and introducing little initiatives to ensure that we are as eco-conscious as possible. The information shared during the conference last week has further driven our passion continue on this journey to help take care of our planet, and create a new, more conscious reality going forward.

The TED Countdown Summit took place over four days last week. Politicians, business leaders, scientists and activists gathered in collaboration to lead a series of inspiring talks to encourage a healthier world for all. Some of the topics discussed included; sustainable food, fashion, climate change, reducing plastic and keeping the planet clean - such interesting and important conversations which will help to make a huge difference.
If you are interested in making more conscious and sustainable choices, to take better care of our environment, check out some of our tips below.

Future of food
As we know, many of our actions impact the planet; and food production along with our food choices is definitely something to consider. Of course, we need to move forward with these lifestyle changes at our own pace and in a way which is well suited to our individual needs and circumstances, however having an awareness of these issues alongside an idea of how we can adapt, could help us to discover a diet which is well suited to our personal needs, and to the needs of our planet. 
Some of the things we can do to support a more sustainable way of eating include:  

  • Working to reduce food waste
  • Considering how much water is required to produce some foods in comparison to others
  • Educating ourselves on how much land is used to grow and raise certain foods, as this can often end in disrupting green spaces and sadly, deforestation.

Our dietary choices and overall actions can have a huge impact on our planet and on future generations. Here at The Garden we spend a great deal of time researching where the food you eat with us has come from and make carefully calculated decisions about where to source our produce. If you would like to read more about how to make a sustainable dietary change, find more information here: https://thegardeneatery.co.uk/blogs/news/how-does-what-we-eat-effect-the-planet

Fast Fashion
Fashion is one of the most polluting industries. Alongside the impact fast fashion has on our environment; carbon emissions and water / energy use needed to turn over vast demands, it is also hugely important to consider where our clothes are coming from, who made them and how these individuals are being treated!

Taking a more conscious approach to our own wardrobe choices and reframing how we think about clothes could be a positive place to start.
You could do this by:

  • Educating yourself: which brands are trustworthy and sustainable, and what impact is fast fashion having on the world around us?
  • Making the most of second hand – there are so many great charity shops in and around South Manchester – and if you’re not keen, arrange a little clothes swap with friends instead!
  • Re-jig your own wardrobe and make the most of what you have
  • Try a no buying challenge – how long can you last?
  • Swap retail therapy for actual therapy: what else can you do for yourself that brings you joy?

The Plastic Problem
The more plastic produced, the more overwhelming and difficult it is to tackle. Plastics often contain additives which make them fit their initial purpose; however these additives can extend the life of the products, at times taking hundreds of years to breakdown.
As well as polluting the land, every year approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste escapes into the oceans, travelling through the water from land to land. Plastic in our oceans can cause major harm to sea creatures, including consumption, entanglement and often causing death. :(
When plastic is consumed by fish or sea life, it of course can end up finding itself on our plate and eventually, in our stomach!

With plastic lurking in everything from packaging to clothing, it is worth considering  becoming more of a conscious consumer and thinking about the decisions and investments we make and the impact these things have on the environment. Often, with a bit of research, finding more sustainable options is achievable.

Small Sustainable Steps to Start…
Of course, it’s a lot to think about, but like all things wellbeing, slow and steady wins the race. If we all try to get involved in some small way, we will be doing our bit to try and make a difference and working towards keeping the planet ‘alive for longer’. 

A few first steps to consider:

  • Check your local authority’s recycling rules – are you doing your bit so that your waste doesn’t end up in landfill?
  • Do your research into sustainable eating: which foods use up the most water / land? Could you potentially reduce your intake?
  • Make wise and conscious wardrobe choices – rearrange your wardrobe and consider pulling back out that ‘oldie but goody’!
  • Use a keep cup, purchase a reusable water bottle, carry around a tote bag / Tupperware and turn down a straw.

Lots of small steps make a difference. Take it slow, do your research, make a change to our environment.  

If you would like to listen to any of the TED talks from the countdown summit last week, click here. https://countdown.ted.com/summit-program

If you would like to try any of the cold pressed juices or smoothies we provided to the guest speakers, click here. https://thegardeneatery.co.uk/collections/cold-press-juices


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