Berry Smoothie Bowl

Berry Smoothie Bowl

No better summer breakfast than a frozen smoothie bowl! Our in house Pitaya and Acai bowls are absolute Garden faves, but if you can’t make it into the café, here is a similar recipe for you to try at home.

The blueberries in this bowl offer Vitamins C and K, as well as many phytonutrients providing anti-inflammatory, beneficial properties – key to good health. It’s rich in antioxidants, AND purple fruits and vegetables are said to reduce early signs of aging too - hurray!!
Like our in house smoothie bowls, this blueberry bowl is rich in fibre, which helps to keep us feeling fuller for longer and works to support digestive health.

 If you’re going to give it a go, remember to peel and freeze your banana ahead of time to get the best  texture.

1 Large handful of Frozen Blueberries
1 Frozen Banana
1/4 Avocado
1tbsp Hemp Seeds
1tbsp Flaxseed
150ml Coconut Milk (or milk of choice)
Toppings of choice, I went for:
Nuts and Seeds
Fresh Fruit

Break up the frozen banana and add to a blender with the frozen berries.
Scoop out 1/4 of avocado and add to the blender with the seeds.
Pour over the coconut milk and blitz until smooth.
Spoon evenly into a bowl and add your choice of toppings!

Perfect breakfast for a summer day. Enjoy!

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